Monday, August 10, 2009


I don't wanna miss a thing


There's a puppy who ran into the house today!
A black male puppie..
Cute one..
If I'm not mistaken, it's a pure breed dog..
I would estimate it about only 3 months old or so..

Baby's family decided to keep it..
If nobody claims it, then it'll be Baby's bro's puppie..
Auntie is afraid of it..
Cos it's in black in color and she thinks it's scary..
Baby's bro decided to name it Jojo..

Lulu is not very found of him..
So is he..
They're always fighting with one and another..
Jealousy =.=

Anyways, Baby & I baked cup cakes today!
Pics will be up soon!

College tomorrow!!! >.< Love,
Cheryl ♥