Saturday, July 25, 2009
Shout out to myself - Long way or short way?

I've been thinking lately.. Thinking a lot actually.. Should be rushing myself & my studies so that I can go to the states latest by August 2010? I was determine at first.. But then at the end of Summer semester, the fire sorta died out.. I dunno why.. Just felt that I'm so tired of rushing everything.. I just wanna stop time and take a long, long break.. A never ending break till I'm ready to reboot myself again.. If I would wanna take my own sweet time, I will only probably be able to go to the states earliest by January 2011 or August 2011.. But the year 2011 seems so........... long.. So far.... I'm confused =.= I wanted to take my TOEFL on the 8th of August.. But I didn't even bother to register.. Cos of certain things that happened earlier made mie lost myself a lil while althoug I didn't show it.. So I guess TOEFL shall be done later on this year or so.. But if I would wanna go in Augusst 2010, I have to do my applications in February 2010 or so.. But will I be able to do so? I had already screwed up 1 of my subject in the Summer semester.. This means my schedule for my credit hours are a lil out of order.. I definitely cannot take 4 subjects the coming semester cos I really don't wanna kill myself.. So 3 subjects it is the next semester.. But 1 out of the 3 subjects is a subject that I'm retaking cos I failed =.= Which means 3 credit hour behind of schedule.. *sigh* I dunno.. I really wanna go ASAP but then it seems quite impossible >.<.. Lack of confidence I would say.. Owh well.. I'm not a smart student.. Just an ordinary one.. But obviously if I work for it I can achieve the marks I want.. But the problem is working so hard makes mie feel so tired.. So wear out sometimes.. Tell mie what should I do? Should rush things or take things slowly ? =/ *sigh*

Cheryl ♥

Blogger dragoxan said...
juz happen 2 c ur blog
long way should b an option, studies shouldnt somtin we muz rush

however, tis is my opinion. u should go the way ur hearts feel comfortable. dat way, u wont b regret 4 path u choose. nt in my case -Dxan