Sin Lay came over to my house before attending the prom at Kar Chun's college..
Did some make up on her..
And got her to wear my earings..
she looked terrific!
Look out for the surprise...
Pretty isn't she?
Should look at her in real life..
Look prettier..
Anyways, yesterday night was spent at Jill's place at Damansara Heights..
It was her birthday..
Lotz of ADPians were there..
Ru & Mie The ashtray was empty at first..
And after a while, look what happened...
Effing a lot of ciggie buds right??
*laughs*You can imagine how many people were smoking there..
RuThe food was terrific!
Now's the cake cutting time!
We all had some alcohol..
Well, there are people who passed out..
Anyways, we left around 2..
Got home and we went to AC to eat..
Denise came and met us..
After that.....
Home it is...
*smiles*Had a great night!
*smiles*Love,Cheryl ♥